Thursday, April 2, 2020

Get Online Tutor Jobs While You Look For Online Writing Jobs

Get Online Tutor Jobs While You Look For Online Writing JobsWhen you are considering getting online tutor jobs in San Antonio, be sure to make a well-thought out and informed decision. After all, the majority of them offer some sort of compensation, some of them offer medical insurance, some even offer lunch.The process of applying for online tutoring jobs San Antonio is fairly simple. In order to get started you will need to log into your email account and go to the specific site which offers the job. Once there, look over the various online writing samples which have been compiled and select the one that best suits your needs.As for the resume, be sure to always send it to each potential employer, in their entirety. Each section should be included, such as course grades, teacher comments, and even your contact information.Also, in your resume, be sure to list every form of related training you have obtained. This will help to put you in a position to be hired.Although many people w ant to find multiple tutoring jobs while they are looking for online writing jobs, do not be discouraged if you end up having to settle on just one or two. In most cases, you will be working in a school, so you are not going to need any extra skills to land this job.Of course, once you have found the online tutoring jobs in San Antonio which is right for you, be sure to be patient. You will still need to look at them one at a time in order to see if they are really the right fit for you.Remember, it is also wise to discuss some of your requirements with the potential employers that you are sending your resume to. Make sure that you clearly state what type of tutoring and assignments you require.Most likely, your employer's in San Antonio will also send out other types of information to potential job applicants. Be sure to be aware of these.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Degree of a Polynomial

Degree of a Polynomial Degree of polynomial is the highest power or degree of the terms, when the polynomial is expressed in terms of the linear combination of the monomials. To understand the above definition in more clear way, it is important to understand the meaning of degree of term. By the degree of term, we mean the sum of all exponents of the variables involved in the polynomial expression. The below mentioned following examples will clarify the meaning of degree of polynomial in better way. The examples are as follows. Example1: Find the degree of the polynomial 6x^2y^3 + 2y^2 + 5 Solution: Given Polynomial 6x^2y^3 + 2y^2 + 5 = 0 has three terms The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of 2 and 3 that is 5) The second term has a degree of 2. Since the third term does not have any variable so the degree of the term is 0. Therefore the degree of above polynomial is 5, which is the degree of highest term. Example 2: Verify the degree of the polynomial 5x^3y^3 + 2y^3 + 6 is 6. Solution: Given Polynomial 5x^3y^3 + 2y^3 + 6has three terms The first term has a degree of 6 (the sum of 3 and 3 that is 6) The second term has a degree of 3. Since the third term does not have any variable so the degree of the term is 0. As the degree of highest term are 6, therefore by definition the degree of the polynomial 5x^3y^3 + 2y^3 + 6 is 6. Hence verified.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher Suzy S. Finding the right vocal coach is an important factor for your success when it comes to singing lessons. You need someone who will encourage and motivate you, but also provide the right feedback and guidance. Read on as Glendale teacher Ariel P. shares what shes learned from her own mentors When I was in graduate school my teacher had a new “tool” every week.  At first I thought the tools were amazing and I could not believe the level of her creativity.  How could she come up with a new “tool” and cute name every single week?  I would go into my lesson and she would say something like, “We’re going to do the Dolphin today.  Oh I’ve never showed you the Dolphin before?  Well just take this rolled up towel, lay on the floor, and put it under your lower back.  This will ease your lower back tension.” The only problem was that I did not suffer from lower back tension.  Other students had that problem, but not me.  I had other issues that manifested themselves into lower back tension, which were never addressed because she was too busy finding new “tools” and insisting that every single student use them, regardless of if it worked for them or not.  This teacher was not truly listening and diagnosing problems that could have been easily fixed.  She was generalizing and assuming that everyone suffered from the same issues. Since graduating, I have found a voice teacher that not only listens but empathizes.  His ear is refined enough to quickly diagnose the root of the problem.  He has a bag of “tools” that he uses as needed and when appropriate.  If he finds that one approach is not working, then he will attempt something else to achieve the desired result.   But the most important element is that the lesson is tailored to my individual needs. The lesson is also based on my own feedback and experience.  Because of this, I am able to self-diagnose even outside the lesson and I am better equipped to help students of my own. When teaching students, I have my own “tools” to pool from. To begin with, I like to teach what are called “vocal function exercises.”  These are a series of sounds on the letters m, ng, v, z, th, and n that help teach the different muscles in the mouth, throat and diaphragm to behave in coordination.  For example, if a student is having tension in the strap muscles (the muscles running parallel to the larynx, on either side of the neck, running down into the shoulders and chest), I would have them vocalize on z with a passive airflow.  When this is done correctly, it releases all of the tension from these muscles and allows for the diaphragm to do the work instead of the neck muscles.  Once this is established, I turn z into a vocal exercise to apply the new coordination.  Then I apply that to the most difficult part of the song the student is singing at the time.  This is how I break down the lessons for the betterment of the student. Be aware of the tools that work for you! With the right voice teacher, he or she will be able to help you with this. Ariel P. teaches singing, Broadway singing, opera voice and speaking voice lessons to students of all ages in Glendale, CA. She received her Masters degree in Voice from the University of Southern California, and joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Ariel, or search for a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by familymwr

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best Violin Apps To Help You Practice The Violin

Best Violin Apps To Help You Practice The Violin To Download Or Not To Download A Violin App? ChaptersThe Benefits Of A Violin Learning AppHow Does A Violin Tuning App Actually Work?Is There One Best Violin Tuner App?Choosing A Violin AppViolin apps, just like apps for any other genre of music and style of instrument, have been on the rise over the years as technology advances at a super fast rate. Music to our ears? Patience, please! Let's see if they are all that they are cracked up to be!Not only are there apps out there helping you to maintain your string instrument, like tuner apps, apps have also been developed to teach you how to play the instrument (some are even aimed at learning the violin as absolute beginners!) with tutorials on how to hold the musical instrument, wrist placement, what to do with your left hand, how to maintain good posture while you play stringed instruments and, of course, how to read music.If you can't quite believe it, you can download one of the digital tuition apps yourself for either a small or no fee at all via the Apple App Store, Windows App Store or your Android App Store. Even if you just download a few for fun, you might be surprised by what they can do for you and what you learn. That said, you don't want to risk developing bad habits from trying to copy others, so how do you balance the pros and the cons?When looking for your new app and pocket friend to replace or complement your violin tutor, remember that there are a few things you should consider first before committing. You can see our top tips for choosing a violin music app below.Finally, Soundcorset has developed this tuner and metronome app for musicians, which has a range of great features. For example, you can record, set sound, flash, vibration and visual beats and it has a very useful black screen battery-saving mode for when you're playing violin away from home and don't want to drain your battery life!Choosing A Violin AppBefore you go downloading the first apps you see for violin players, be sure to read the descriptions of each and make sure t hat it offers you what you need. For example, if you are a complete beginner to violin playing, then you don't want to download an app that is adapted for intermediate or advanced players, and vice-versa.It may sound obvious but do also check that the app is for the instrument you have or want to learn about. There's no point in taking violin lessons in how to play the cello if you own a violin!Looking at screenshots is a great way of getting a feel for the app in question, and seeing how easy it looks to navigate around the app. The last thing you want when trying to learn a new skill is to have to, first of all, get to grips with the teaching materials! The app should be clear and concise and make working through the violin lessons seamless.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you should always read the reviews left by other users. Most app stores will offer a star grading, which is your first insight into the popularity of the app. Yet, don't forget to balance a number of facto rs - an app with a four-star review with satisfied customers in the thousands could be a better app than one with three or four five star reviews.If in doubt, always go with the masses!

LSAT Test Dates for 2017-2018

LSAT Test Dates for 2017-2018 Taking a standardized exam like the LSAT entails a great deal of planning. When you begin to look into taking the LSAT, its important to create a list of the testing dates that will work well for you. Since the exam is only offered on select dates during the 2017-2018 academic year, youll want to be on top of registration deadlines. Reasons to finalize your testing schedule now include (as previously mentioned) staying current on registration deadlines, understanding which style of LSAT exam date best fits you, and allowing adequate prep time before the test. Are you ready to begin creating your LSAT prep plan? Keep reading to learn about the 17-18 LSAT test dates and registration deadlines. And remember to utilize Varsity Tutors one-on-one LSAT tutoring to help you prepare. LSAT test dates Below is a list of LSAT test dates released by the Law School Admission Council for the 2017-2018 school year. Click here to register for a specific exam date. The LSAT also offered tests on June 12, September 16, and September 18, 2017. More information on registration policies, including additional fees for late registration, can be found here. LSAT test dates for Saturday Sabbath observers The LSAT is typically administered on Saturdays. However, if you observe the Saturday Sabbath, the Law School Admission Council (or LSAC) offers several exams on different days of the week. You can request this type of testing date through your online LSAC account, but you must also submit an official letter from your minister or rabbi regarding your religious affiliation. More information on LSAT exam dates for Saturday Sabbath observers can be found here. Nondisclosed LSAT test dates The February 10, 2018 LSAT exam is a bit different from other testing dates, in that it is nondisclosed. This means that the LSAC does not release scored sections after the exam. For test-takers, this also means that you cannot see which questions you answered correctly or incorrectly. Before deciding on this LSAT exam date, ensure you fully understand how a nondisclosed testing session will affect you. Adequate LSAT prep time Allow yourself ample prep time before whichever LSAT test date you ultimately choose. Take LSAT practice tests, and evaluate your progress throughout your LSAT review. Be honest with yourself about your target score, as well as how much prep time you will need to reach said score. Remember, too, that LSAT tutoring may help you reach the goals you set for yourself. Best of luck! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Best Boxing Equipment for Different Disciplines

Best Boxing Equipment for Different Disciplines Boxing Accessories: The Ultimate Guide to Boxing Gear ChaptersFrench Kickboxing: Accessories to Get Your Hands on!Standard Boxing: How to Choose your Boxing KitAmerican Boxing: Essential Boxing Accessories!Thai Boxing: Best Boxing Gear!'You don’t have to be in a boxing ring to be a great fighter. As long as you are true to yourself, you will succeed in your fight for that in which you believe.'?  Muhammad AliAs any boxing enthusiast will know, selecting boxing equipment according to the type of combat sport or martial arts that you are about to undertake is like covering oneself in an emergency foil blanket after an accident. Choosing boxing training gloves, inner gloves, a boxing helmet and boxing accessories (a mouthguard, shin guards, elbow guards and ankle supports) are all ultimately a way of encasing oneself in a protective layer pre-match.According to scientific research carried out by Sahlgrenska Academy of the University Göteborg in Sweden, so-termed ‘English boxing’ (standard boxing with no kicking involved as opposed t o American or Thai kickboxing) undertaken by boxing professionals can cause cerebral lesions that are similar in nature to lesions in those with Alzheimer’s.Are you looking to do some amateur boxing or basic boxing fitness training? Even beginner level boxing enthusiasts require basic boxing gear and will need to compare the prices of different boxing training sports items.This is our mini guide to sports equipment for boxers. wrist strap  and inner gloves/boxing mitts are a great combo), padded  headgear, a protective cup, a mouthguard and a pair of standard boxing shoes.  Obligatory in combat, boxing gloves are just as important for boxing training as they are for proper boxing matches and fights. During training, they can be used for hitting punchbags, boxing mitts and boxing shields. Boxing gloves are selected according to the weight and height of the boxer, which is calculated in ounces (one ounce =  28.3495g) from 6 to 18 ounces.To preserve your pair of boxing gloves and ens ure they remain durable, you should also cover your hands in boxing wrap. Boxing wrist wraps and hand wraps are multifunctional and apart from guaranteeing the durability of your boxing gloves, will also let air circulate when sweating and protect your phalanx (middle finger) and metacarpal bones.Face punches can be quite aggressive during fights and hitting your head on boxing ring mats does not cushion the blow as much as you would think, therefore you should also choose durable and reliable headgear.   The choice of headgear depends mainly on your head size, the amount of inner padding that is used, the tightness of the chin piece and the visibility it offers.Next, you will need to grab a mouthpiece to prevent your teeth banging together or biting/perforating your tongue when your opponent aims uppercut and hook punches at your jaw. Shock Doctor is a good affordable brand to go for if you want to save your teeth and some money!Finally, as boxing is a sport where you will be const antly bouncing on the balls of your feet and hopping from one foot to the other, a good pair of boxing shoes with soft soles and strong ankle support are required.In order to choose your boxing kit for standard boxing, it is always best to first ask yourself the following questions:What is my budget?What  level of boxer am I?What is my aim (to try out the sport, do some intensive boxing training or compete in boxing matches)?How often do I plan to go to the gym to box?What extra protection will this or that product offer me?Which item best suits my needs and taste?You should budget for approximately £50 to £150 for your initial set of beginner’s boxing equipment, then £250 to £300 for better quality boxing gear suited more to intermediate level boxers and finally, about £400 to £500 for a complete high-quality boxing kit once you have reached a more advanced level of boxing.And yes, those bargain boxing accessories by  Domyos  available for £30 or so definitely won’t offe r the same quality and finish as  Venum, Fairtex or  Everlast  with their range of very professional products!American Boxing: Essential Boxing Accessories!'In boxing, it is about the obsession of getting the most from yourself: wanting to dominate the world like a hungry young lion.'  â€"  Anthony JoshuaAmerican boxing â€" otherwise known as full contact boxing or kickboxing â€" is a type of boxing that involves leg kicks without hitting the opponent’s legs.It is probably fair to say that American boxing is a fusion of standard boxing and Savate.Kickboxing â€" a violent sport? Not if you are well protected! (Source: Visual Hunt)Like standard boxing and martial arts, punches can reach the opponent’s head or chest, which is why kickboxing necessitates good full-contact boxing gear to prevent injury,Boxing gloves, protective headgear, a mouthguard, chest protector, shin-pads and boxing trainers should be top of your shopping list when considering what kind of boxing kit would be best to fill your gym bag with.Even if there is not really a lot of physical contact between boxers during training, protective boxing equipment is there to prevent possible accidents, such as bruises, contusions or fractures. What you might think was a gentle blow could be perceived as quite a powerful and violent strike by your boxing opponentI mean, who would really want to box with bare hands as if hitting a brick wall and risk breaking bones?  Boxing gloves (brands like Title,  Venum, Montana, Fairtex, Twin and, Adidas boxing) increase the power of punches all whilst spreading the impact across a larger surface area of skin â€" the thicker and heavier the padding, the more the impact is spread.The price of full contact boxing gloves ranges from £7.99 (trust old Decathlon, of course!) to £169 (Title).To know what size to pick, apart from one’s weight, you should think about what kind of an impact you want to have. Make a preference for heavier gloves (10 to 12 ounces) if yo u want to do some light sparring matches with your sparring partner. Prioritise thinner gloves if you are looking to harden your hands as part of a fight or boxing match practice where you need to be pulling punches at great speed, for example, when training with a punch bag or punching ball.As you are allowed to use your feet in kickboxing, you will also need to wear a boxing cup or groin protector ( £9.99 to £49.75) to cover your genitals. You want to protect them at all costs, as everyone knows they are one of the most sensitive areas of the human body and a kick in the balls is not something to which you readily want to expose yourself!It is worth noting that while standard boxing requires only a pair of boxing shorts (usually made of nylon), full-contact kickboxers should wear kickboxing trousers similar to the tracksuit bottoms worn in Savate. Boxing trousers are more modestly priced and ( £10 to £30 approx.) and the flexible fabric used allows for large, loose and roomy mov ements. Nylon and polyester sportswear is great for kickboxing as it is lightweight and durable.To equip yourself with a complete boxing kit, you should budget for approximately £200 for basic boxing accessories and around £350- £450 for more sophisticated high-quality equipment.    The price-tag is not that pretty, but remind yourself that good quality boxing accessories only needs to be replaced every five to ten yearsTo know what’s what when making a purchase, here is a comparative table of prices and brands for the different boxing accessories available on the net that are needed for American. Superprof dons its hat as a rational economic man!Find out more about American boxing equipment.Thai Boxing: Best Boxing Gear!Are you dreaming of becoming a pro in Thai boxing?This impressive unrestrained sport is a cross between military training and martial arts, moulding the physical skills of a Muay Thai boxer that are really rather athletic.What a game of legs! Thai boxing is the most ferocious of all kickboxing. (Source: Wikimedia)A military sport formerly imposed by the ancient kings of Thailand, Muay Thai is kept alive today by the more than 200,000 people in the Land of Smiles who practice it today. What’s more, this type of boxing is such an all-around sport and workout that it is also practised by thousands of people outside of Thailand.If you want to learn self-defence, there is no better physical preparation than Thai boxing.Muay Thai training equipment also includes a handful of indispensable boxing accessories that no Thai boxer can do without.First things first â€" Thai boxing gloves  Kickboxing gloves to a Thai boxer are  like a bandsaw to a carpenterWhilst people have been boxing with bare hands since the dawn of time, boxing gloves became an obligatory part of Thai boxing in 1920. The law was introduced to limit the risk of injury during sporting events. Thus, Thailand followed in suit of Savate and boxing in terms of boxing rules and regula tions.Next, somewhat of a technical novelty for kickboxing, Thai boxing requires a breastplate, elbow pads and ankle supports.Don’t forget that in Muay Thai, kicks, punches and blows to the knee and elbow are all permitted. As the saying goes, anything goes in Thai boxing (almost); very few blows are prohibited. This is why it is one of the most dangerous forms of boxing.The bones around the knees and elbows protrude away from the body and are particularly fragile and prone to injury during boxing matches, which is why it is necessary to wrap them in padded material that has been adjusted to one’s size. It’s important to wear protective sportswear even if your competitors don’t!What type of equipment do you need forkickboxing? You could find out by signing up for  kickboxing classes London or any big UK city!To choose your equipment (boxing gloves, mouthguard, protective boxing headgear, groin protector, breastplate, Thai boxing shorts, elbow pads, knee pads, shin pads) you should bear in mind a number of factors: What price am I prepared to pay?What material will help best to soften any blows (synthetic polyester, leather, plastic, etc.)?Which boxing accessories will be most comfortable?For how long do I plan on keeping my boxing training equipment?Fight outlet, Ringside Boxing, Sports Direct and Adidas boxing are going to be your new favourite places to shop!Here's a comparison of fight gearType of Boxing AccessorySeller of Boxing Equipment (UK)Boxing Equipment BrandPrice RangeBoxing GlovesBlitz, Fitness Superstore, Selfridges, Active Instict UK, Yokkao, Made 4 FightersAdidas, Lamyland, Everlast, Blitz, Fairtex, Harlton, Twins, Ringside £14.99 to £1,995Mouth GuardBlitz, Made 4 Fighters, Valour Strike, Newitts, SelfridgesBlitz, Shock Doctor, Under Armour, Valour Strike, Lamyland £3.49 to £19.99Protective Boxing HeadgearDecathlon UK, Fruugo, Amazon, RDX Sports, Flight Equipment UK, Olympia Fightwear, Made 4 FightersDomymos, Adidas, Rival Boxing, RDX Sports, Fairtex, Pro-Box, Lonsdale, £14.99 to £149.00Elbow PadsBlitz, Just Keepers, Tredz Bikes, Fruugo,Blitz, Nike, Fairtex, Ion, Title, Adidas Boxing £6.99 to £47.99Thai Boxing Breast PlateMartial Arts Kit, Bytomic Martial Arts and Fitness, Boxfit UKTokaido, Bytomic, Cimac £14.99 to £42.99Boxing ShortsAdidas, Blitz, Reebok, eBayAdidas Boxing, Blitz, Reebok, Fairtrex £19.99 to £35.95Knee PadsAmazon UK, RDX Sports, Fruugo,Venum, RDX Sports, Fairtex, Cliff Keen £7.99 to £29.99Shin PadsFruugo, RDX SportsUFC, Twins, Fairtex, RDX Sports £8.99 to £78.99

The Best Places to Learn Guitar Online

The Best Places to Learn Guitar Online The Best Websites for Learning How to Play the Guitar ChaptersWebsites for Learning to Play the Guitar: Tabs4acousticShredAcademyArtistWorks Guitar CampusUltimate-GuitarJammitJustin GuitarMusicRadariMusicSchoolOnline Private Guitar TutorialsAdvice for Learning an Instrument OnlinePrivate Guitar Tutorials“Music is the strongest form of magic.” - Marilyn MansonIn recent years, electric guitar sales have dropped. However, people are still interested in playing the guitar. Perhaps people are choosing to play the acoustic guitar, folk guitar, or jazz guitar instead.Whatever the reason may be, learning to play the guitar takes time, patience, and perseverance, especially when going it alone, without guitar tutorials, music theory, or a teacher to encourage us.Fortunately, the internet is here to save the day! There are plenty of free guitar lessons available online as well as resources that you'll have to pay for. The advantage is that you can work on your guitar scales at any time of the day.In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the websites you should definitely visit whether you've just started playing the guitar, are looking to learn new techniques, or an advanced player looking for something new. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWebsites for Learning to Play the Guitar: Tabs4acousticTabs4acoustic is for classical guitarists.  The site has 30 video courses, 10 hours of professional videos for each level, from beginners to experts. You’ll find theory work and technical activities as well as lessons dedicated to different topics like reading music, playing chords, reading guitar tablature, blues music for beginners, slide guitar, and an introduction to guitar scales.Your laptop might be your best resource when it comes to learning to play the guitar. (Source: Free-Photos)There are video lessons with a written part to help you better understand certain aspects. There are exercises to work on to help you improve.There’s also tablature available in another tab. The 5 most popular tabs are:Hotel CaliforniaNothing Else MattersZombieHallelujahRedemption SongPerhaps you could start with these?Tabs4acoustic also includes FAQs, a forum, a riff library (for finding nice riffs), backing tracks (for improvising), and challenges.  You’ve got everything you want and it’s free!Take your guitar learning on the go with these best guitar apps!ShredAcademyEvery guitarist should add this website to their favourites. If you want to play guitar, this is one of the first websites you should start with.There are over 100 online guitar lessons for beginner guitar techniques like strumming and picking.  Once you've worked out how to play guitar, you learn to play their licks of the week, which are great for improving as a musician both in terms of technique and music theory.Whether you're playing guitar for fun, a professional musician, playing blues guitar or rock guitar, make sure you regularly pick up your instrument and head over to ShredAcademy.ArtistWorks Guitar CampusWe'll start with the bad news first, you have to pay for this site. However, you will get your money's worth for it.Unlike some of the other sites we mentioned where you consume the content and learn guitar on your own., with this website, you get an instructor who will provide you with online guitar lessons. The money you pay is for actual guitar instruction, rather than access to videos and articles like on some other sites.Don't forget that you can also access websites and apps on your smartphone! (Source: stevepb)You can spend a lot of time on some sites looking over a guitar lesson and not actually becoming a better guitar player. This isn't the case here as you'll have someone helping you and providing you with guidance and feedback. This will ensure that you don't pick up any bad habits, which often happens with self-taught musicians.Read some of the best guitar blogs, written by guitar players!Ultimate-GuitarIf you can't read sheet music, this site needs to be put into your favourites bar now.Ultimate-Guitar is arguably the best website for tablature. Since guitar tabs are user-submitted, there are often several versions of each one. However, users also rate the tabs so you can quickly find the best tab according to other users votes.Learning guitar is much easier when you get to play your favourite songs and you'll probably find the tabs or the chord progressions for them on this site. To be fair, if you can't find it on Ulti mate-Guitar, it probably doesn't exist!  Every time I want to learn a new song on the guitar, Ultimate-Guitar is the first place I visit.There are also lessons and an accompanying app for mobile devices and tablets so that you can take Ultimate-Guitar with you anywhere.JammitJammit is a website and also an app for iOS, Mac, and PC. If there's a certain song you're trying to learn on the guitar, this is probably the place to go. You can find a song you like, slow it down, loop a tricky section, and jam along until your fingers are dancing on the strings just like your favourite artists. If you're struggling with a certain solo, open up the tabs on Ultimate-Guitar and jam along with Jammit! PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Todd Guitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsJustin GuitarThis website is all about learning how to play the guitar. There are tonnes of great lessons and resources to get you practising regularly. If you want to learn how to play guitar, this site is worth your time.Practice makes perfect! (Source: guvo59)If you aren't attending a guitar course, you should definitely be spending a lot of time on this website. Fortunately, you won't have to pay a penny to access the site and start enjoying all the lessons available.Additionally, the website is regularly updated so it's still worth visiting once you've got the hang of the guitar as you can still learn different techniques and more about the underlying theory.With recommendations from Mark Knopfl er and Steve Vai, you don't need to take my word on just how good this website is.MusicRadarAfter being taught on a proper music course or by the best guitar tutors, YouTube is the next best thing. MusicRadar has beginner guitar lessons. Be it a pentatonic scale, a chord progression, strumming patterns, power chords, or ear training, you can learn more with the free guitar lessons on MusicRadar.As we said, though, make sure that you don't pick up any bad habits as there's nobody there to correct you when making a mistake. While free guitar lessons can be really useful, it's always a good idea to have an actual guitar instructor or an experienced musician come in and check you're doing it right.iMusicSchoolThere are beginners, intermediate, and advanced, and theory classes on iMusicSchool. 100,000 students have already taken classes. There are 60 artists and specialists offering their expertise on the site.You can also choose which guitar teacher you’d like video lessons from. You can also try the course and ask the teacher questions before paying for it. You can gain unlimited access to the courses.You can subscribe for a year or just a week in order to try it out. This is a site you could use for a very long time.Online Private Guitar TutorialsWhile we've mentioned websites you should visit, you can also use the internet to interact with real people. For example, on Superprof, you can find private guitar tutors who offer tutorials via webcam. This is great if you happen to have an awkward schedule or other commitments stopping you from attending guitar lessons or getting a private tutor.If you want to become a rock star, you're going to have to use every resource available to you! (Source: Free-Photos)The advantage of online private tutors over websites is that they can correct you when you make mistakes, adapt their lessons to your learning style, and tailor their course to exactly what you want to learn and how you want to learn it.While all these website s are fantastic resources, they can't replace having a real person in charge of your musical education. Even though online private guitar tutorials aren't free, they tend to be cheaper than hiring a private tutor as they don't have to travel to you and they can work whenever.I'd recommend starting with some of these websites, seeing how you get along.Advice for Learning an Instrument OnlineResearch into online tuitionA recent  report into online tuition  by The Tutor Pages has demonstrated that music teachers tend to be quite sceptical about the prospect of teaching a musical instrument or singing online. Apart from the obvious auditory, visual and kinaesthetic limitations of teaching via the internet, survey participants expressed concern over other less quantifiable elements such as presence, motivation, rapport and support.Having said that, music teachers were also quick to recognize that there were significant advantages too, such as not having to travel, being able to access a wider student base, and having more flexibility in scheduling (by being able to teach pupils abroad during the day, for example).Only 16% of musicians in the survey had taught online before. So, what is it like, and can it work?Teaching the cello over the internetWhen people find out I have a Skype pupil, the same questions tend to come up: why doesn’t she go to a local teacher? How did they find you? What about the time difference? How does it  work?I first met the family at a two-day course I was teaching on in London. They were visiting from Germany, and were very keen on the Suzuki method for learning the cello, having started with it several months earlier at a summer course in Dorset. They asked if I might consider teaching Lena over Skype and I agreed. Neither of us was quite sure how it was going to work out, but since there were no Suzuki teachers within travelling distance from where they lived in Germany, this was really their only option.More recently the family moved to India, and one of the great things about our situation was that a move of thousands of miles to a different continent made no difference to us. We have had to overcome poor internet connections, dying microphones and overly curious house pets, but somehow it works.We generally try to have a lesson once a week, but the day and time varies according to both our schedules, so sometimes that can mean an 8.15am lesson at my end to accommodate the time difference.The role of touch in teachingThere has been some debate over the past few years about the role touch should play in instrumental lessons, but it’s clear to me from my own experience that not being able to adjust posture during a lesson slows the process of learning considerably. Lena’s mother is a cellist herself, so she is able to be my hands â€" and sometimes even my ears.  Without her pre-existing knowledge and expertise, I honestly don’t think the set up would have worked.The family are extremely committed and they try to visit the UK at least once a year, so I am also able to give a series of lessons to Lena in person. These periods are vital times to catch up, both technique-wise, and also relationship-wise. You might call this a ‘hybrid’ model of online/face-to-face tuition, which is an approach mentioned by a number of teachers in the report.Finding a real connectionNot everyone will agree with me, but I feel that something is lost in the human connection between people if you only interact via video link. The subtleties of communication are missed, which can be difficult. I can’t always tell when Lena is tired or unfocussed, and so fail to adjust my lesson style appropriately. In ‘real’ life, this would not be a problem â€" it’s much more obvious! So when we actually meet (often on a summer course) it’s a chance for me to get to know Lena properly again, and for her to do the same with me.Skype is an amazing tool, but I think it will be a long time before distance learning c an truly rival face-to-face lessons for instrumental teaching. Having said this, as my experience with Lena shows, online tuition can give students learning opportunities that would otherwise be closed to them.Private Guitar TutorialsIf you want to take your learning offline, private guitar tutorials are definitely the best way to learn. They come with all the advantages of online private tutorials, with the exception that your tutor is actually there in front of you and can physically show you techniques.That said, a private tutor will probably still recommend some of these websites for you to browse at your leisure between their lessons to make sure that you're not rusty the next time you see them!If you're looking for guitar tutors, you can search for both online and offline tutors, browse their profiles, and get in touch via Superprof!So are you ready to start learning to play the guitar?  Then you might enjoy our top picks for the best websites to learn guitar...